4926 S Corbett #301

2 Bedrooms / 2 Bath
1178 Square feet

MLS# 21322709

Shannon + Dustin were so fun to work with! Shannon is a former coworker at my PT job, and we had started to discuss the market and their goals for owning in Summer of ‘21. One day Shannon texted and said there was a condo about to hit the market right NEXT DOOR to their good friends in South Portland. Fast forward a few days, the lisiting went live and we snagged one of the first appointments to look at it. Having best friends who are also HOA managers of the building definitely helped these two make a quick decision- they had to have we. We wrote an offer that was quickly accepted. After a quick hurdle and a switch to a new lender through no fault of their own (lenders are SO important- please choose one you love to work with who does home sales frequently and is available to chat whenever you need them!), we were under contract! The sale went so smoothly and just minor things were called out in inspections. Luckily these two had a great plan to revamp the space a lot before moving in. Cue popcorn ceiling removal, paint, and a wall removal plus a new wall placement. They made an instagram of their adventures and I couldn’t be more pleased to see their progress! I love seeing what my amazing clients end up doing to transform their home to their new nest. It feels so good to get friends into homes! Happy condo living, Shannon + Dustin!


3935 SE Taggart


1904 SE Ladd Ave